In the light of the ever evolving coronavirus pandemic, the Mustang Club of San Diego and the host venues across the county are working to implement protocols and procedures in an effort to promote and protect the health and safety of everyone.

We are urging our event attendees to take personal responsibility by washing their hands for 20 seconds or longer, using hand sanitizing products as necessary, avoid touching your eyes, nose & mouth, and eliminate as much direct contact with other attendees as possible. Attendees are also asked to wear face coverings as directed by the local municipality, appropriately covering their mouth when coughing Even though we all want to hang out together, these precautions are necessary for the health and safety of our club members and event attendees.

PLEASE!!!! STAY HOME if you are currently sick or if you have had any fever or symptoms in the LAST 24 HOURS! JUST STAY HOME for all of us.

We will continue to monitor the situation and will work to regularly review health & safety practices to be in alignment with the CDC. For more information on the prevention & treatment of the coronavirus, please visit the CDC Website.

For up to date San Diego County information: CORONAVIRUS IN SAN DIEGO

For up to date San Diego City information: CORONAVIRUS SAN DIEGO CITY


Due to the inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 that exists in any public place where people are present; the Mustang Club of San Diego, its board and members hold you and any guests who voluntarily attend any event or gathering personally responsible for your own safety and health. You will assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 and by voluntarily attending any MCSD event automatically agree not to hold Mustang Club of San Diego, it’s board and members; or any affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors, or volunteers liable for any illness or injury.


MCSD Board and Concerned Members

A Message from our VP Dennis D:

While listening to Governor Gavin Newsom address the COVID pandemic, I cannot help but be struck by his encouragement for everyone to “Meet the Moment.” The Mustang Club of San Diego’s Board have put together a list of agencies standing-by to assist in this, our collective time of need. There is specialized assistance available for Toddlers, Elders, Families and Individuals. These resources include diapers, food, hygiene products and pharmaceuticals. In addition, you may obtain mental health/well-being counseling as well as information about the eviction notice moratorium.

Each link below offers many valuable resources. where-to-get-food

Do not hesitate to access these programs or provide this information to your family, friends or neighbors as we work together to “Meet the Moment.”

Your board members are available anytime if you have a need.
Use this form below to get a message to us.

Stay safe and we look forward to seeing you all again soon.